
Does Huddlbox ship to all 50 states?
Yes, Huddlbox ships daily to all 50 states. Shipping costs are included in our sales estimates. Request a quote today.
Am I responsible for producing the artwork that goes on my Huddlbox?
No, you send us high-quality artwork, images, and logos that you want on your Huddlbox. Our graphic designers will produce a custom design and submit a proof for your approval. If you don't have high-quality files to share with us, we offer a complete graphics package for $150.
How long will it take to get my custom Huddlbox?
Once you approve your Huddlbox artwork proof, your Huddlbox will go into production. Huddlboxes ship within 2-3 weeks of their production start date.
Is my Huddlbox waterproof?
The protective case and speakers are waterproof. The TV and audio equipment will be protected from the elements when a Huddlbox is closed.
Will my Huddlbox operate in extreme temperatures?
Yes, our boxes will operate below zero to over 100 degrees. However, like any technology, monitor your Huddlbox closely on very hot, humid days.
Can I use my Huddlbox to store and transport items such as headsets, iPads, cables, etc.?
The PRO has 2 ft³ of Storage. The Elite has 4 ft³ of Storage. The Blitz has 1.7 ft³ of Storage.
If I ever want to change the artwork on my Huddlbox, what can I do?
Huddlbox does not offer vinyl reprinting as a service, however, most car wrapping companies could assist you with vinyl modifications for your Huddlbox.
Does Huddlbox have a warranty?
Huddlbox comes with a 1-year warranty. If you are having an issue with your Huddlbox, please fill out this warranty form and a member of our support team will contact you soon.


If I don’t buy the Microphone System for my Huddlbox, can I still use my Huddlbox speakers as a PA system?
Yes, simply download a "microphone app" on your mobile phone and connect via Bluetooth to your Huddlbox sound system.
Can any device be plugged into a Huddlbox TV for display and sound?
All Huddlbox TVs have three HDMI ports and one USB port for connecting devices for mirroring and sound.
How do the TVs rise and lower out of the Huddlboxes?
Many of our boxes have an actuator that moves the TV up and down. The actuator is controlled by a switch and/or a remote.
How does Huddlbox show video playback on the sidelines or at a sporting event?
Huddlbox will mirror playback video from any device via an HDMI port on the Huddlbox TV.


Can Title 1 be used to pay for my Huddlbox?
Yes, because Huddlboxes are used by educators as outdoor classrooms and PA systems, informational kiosks, carpool lines, PTO meetings, and more Title 1 can be used.
Does Huddlbox offer financing options?
While we do not offer financing options, we will do our best to accommodate split payments if needed.
How can I pay for a Huddlbox?
Huddlboxes can be purchased with ESSER funding, Technology, Title One, and other grant sources. You can also ask a local business to "sponsor your Huddlbox" and print their business logo on the Huddlbox lid. The Huddlbox sponsor will get hundreds of impressions year after year anytime the Huddlbox is in use.
How can a Huddlbox help with Fundraising?
You can sell digital ad spots to local businesses and display them on your Huddlbox TV throughout the year.
Can my school buy multiple Huddlboxes for education with federal funding such as Title 1?
Yes, school leadership is responsible for how Title 1 funds are allocated and spent.


Will I be able to transport my Huddlbox on my own?
Yes, Huddlboxes are made for a single person to transport on their own. However, if you are on hills or uneven terrain, we suggest two people for improved stability.
How do I protect my Huddlbox when transporting it to off-site events?
We suggest placing a padded moving blanket over the top of the box to protect all printed sides. Secure your Huddlboxes with straps during transit.
Can I use a golf cart or small vehicle to pull my Huddlbox?
No, Huddlboxes are not designed to be pulled, and doing so will void all warranties.
Will my Huddlbox roll easily over any surface?
Yes, Huddlboxes have 8-inch caster wheels that roll over rocks, grass, mud, and turf with ease.
Will I need a trailer to transport my Huddlbox to away events?
The M Huddlboxes fit in the back of a pick-up truck and the L and XL boxes require a trailer for transport.
Can I transport items on the top of my Huddlbox?
Generally, items should not “ride” on the top of a Huddlbox to avoid damaging the printed top. However, if you protect the printed top, Huddlboxes are strong and can serve as a transport for smaller items.
Will my Huddlbox fit through standard doorways?
Yes, the widest box is 30 inches wide.
Could my Huddlbox blow over in windy conditions?
No, a Huddlbox's center of gravity is low to the ground, and they are not at risk of blowing over.
Does my Huddlbox have breaks to keep it from sliding?
Yes, two of the four wheels come with breaks to lock a Huddlbox in a stationary position.